Every Monday & Friday Night
Enjoy organized matches every Monday & Friday night from 7pm - 10pm. All you need to do is show up ready to play! A coordinator will be at the club waiting to get you on the court and in a match! Our social events are great opportunities to meet new friends and enjoy a fun night of tennis.
Join us and compete in competitive singles matches! You will be placed on the draw and you will be able to challenge others who are 3 ranks ahead of you or anyone ranked below you. Depending on how many wins and losses you have your rank on the competition will change.

Every Wednesday Night from April
Enjoy exciting doubles matches every Wednesday night! Matches run from 7pm - 11pm, 1 hour per match. If you're looking to get started playing more competitively House-League is the perfect option. It's a great opportunity for players looking for more competition.
Every Wednesday Night Starting April
Being a Sub for House-League is perfect for players who want to have ultimate flexibility. As a Sub you will be contacted to cover a match for another member, you have the option to accept or decline. It's perfect if you want to have control over when you play.

Tryouts in April
Our Intercounty matches are the most competitive matches MTC has to offer. If you make the team after try-outs, enjoy participating in team practices to improve your tennis skills and travelling to other clubs and competing to be the best!
Join us every month for our Monthly Social Events. Enjoy food, drinks, fun and of course, tennis! Social Events bring our MTC family together for a great day of fun and we encourage everyone to attend.